Friday, January 25, 2008

Lilly's Big Day by Kevin Henkes

Kevin Henkes authored these adorable books about a group of mice friends. Each has its own personality that almost any kid can identify with. Lauryn's favorite is Lilly. She oozes drama and I think Lauryn likes her because she's brave enough to do all the things she wishes she could do. However, seeing what her poor mother goes through, I'm grateful for my Lulu!


Christy said...

Welcome to the blogging world - can't wait to see what you are doing on a regular basis!!!

Brent and AmberLee's Family said...

Hi Amber,
This is so funny, I can see Lauren enjoying the Lily books. Kate does too. Lily works through so many little issues for a young little school girl, er school mouse?, and I think Kate likes seeing she's not the only one with issues.